Thursday, January 12, 2012


My friend challenged me about a week ago with choosing one verse from Proverbs 31 that will "define my semester" of growth. I will pray this verse constantly so by the end of this semester this verse will describe me more as a woman of God.

The verse I chose is verse 17.. "She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks."
I always like to look up verses in the Message version. This is what it says for this verse... "First thing in the morning, she dresses for work, rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started. She senses the worth of her work, and is in no hurry to call it quits for the day."

I can only imagine all the work I would get done if this was my attitude in life. Most of the time I want to sleep in until at least 10. Then I lolly gag around and maybe get some work done if I really feel like it. I definitely want to "call it quits for the day" about 10 minutes into my work.

God calls us to be hard workers. In Proverbs 13:4 it says "Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper and be satisfied." (NLT)

It's so true when you look at people in your life. Those that are lazy who sit around on the couch and watch T.V., what do they constantly complain about? That they don't have what they want. That they are bored. They want a lot of things but they don't get much because they don't work for it. Yet those who are working hard, they actually receive the benefits of their hard work and they are satisfied in life because there's more adventure and fun in actually working hard and receiving the benefits of what you sow.

The second part of the verse is about strength. She is strong enough to conquer the tasks that are set before her for the day. This also is what I need to work on. I am so WEAK right now, physically and mentally. I hardly ever work out and I don't eat very healthy, which makes my body weak so I can't work for very long without getting tired out. I am also mentally tired. I don't study the Word enough and I haven't been filling my mind with truth from scripture. I just let lies come in and defeat me about myself, which tires me out because I'm worrying all day long about what I look like, how people perceive me, and if I'm doing the right things all the time.

I want to be stronger and I want FREEDOM from all that wears me out.

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